Other Genealogical Data Sources

Resources include: Deaths in Pennsylvania 1906-61, Social Security Death Information, US Veterans Gravesites, Data File of 1500 Kolbs, WWI Draft Registrations and In Memoriam Lists.

Kolb-Kulp-Culp Deaths in PA 1906-61

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has made information available on Deaths in Pennsylvania for the Period from 1906 to 1961.

The Information presented is the name of the person who died, the date and place of their death and the document number of the death certificate on file.

The information provided would be sufficient to obtain a non-certified copy of the death certificate for $3.00 by contacting the PA Department of Health.

Kolb-Kulp-Culp Social Security Deaths

Here you will find a complete listing for all Kolb/Kulp/Culp Social Security death information presented in alphabetic order by first names combining all three surnames’ lists. Some families may have changed spelling, and this will help to find lost individuals. It is a very big list, more than ten thousand names in one database file.

This database was constructed by Bud Gross, Harleysville, PA

Kolb-Kulp-Culp US Veterans Gravesites

Here is a list of about seven hundred Kolb-Kulp-Culp US veterans’ gravesites. In addition to naming the cemetery the dates of death and birth are given for most of the veterans. This list may add some information for a relative who was a veteran.

This database was constructed by Bud Gross, Harleysville, PA

Kolb-Kulp-Culp WWI Draft Registrations

This page provides access to a listing of over three thousand Kolb-Kulp-Culp men who registered for the World War I draft. Birth dates and home counties are listed providing a good tool for cross checking identifications of individuals listed in the 1900 census which also lists more precise birth dates. Actual images of the complete forms are available with Ancestry.com access.

This file constructed by Bud Gross of Harleysville, PA

Data File of 1500 Kolbs

Here is access to a file of 1500 Kolbs, researched by Abram Hunsicker and assembled by Willoughby Moyer, two deceased leaders of the Kolb-Kulp-Culp Family Association.

In Memoriam Lists

Coming Soon.