Block and Gavel
A block and gavel was presented to the reunion in 1933, whose wood symbolically ties the Reunion to the Lower Skippack Mennonite Church. Read about its history below.
From the minutes of the September 10, 1933 KKC Reunion, by Secretary Frank K. Zern, Gilbertsville:
Next in order was the Presentation of the Gavel & Block, made my Henry Kulp from wood taken from a church over 200 years ago, and presented by Warren Kriebel Schlotterer to Floyd Kulp, President of the Kolb, Kulp, Culp Reunion, to be used at the above-named Reunion. Should the above-named President go out of office, it is to be presented to the next President and so on.
Mrs. Susan Kulp Cassel, daughter of Henry Fryer Kulp, designed the Gavel & Block.

The block’s inscription reads:
Made by HENRY FRYER Kulp of the seventh generation of the descendants of DIELMAN KOLB. Made from part of a log taken from the Mennonite Church Building in Lower Skippack and grown in the adjoining forest where the FAITH of the early Fore-Fathers was established in 1725.